Chancellor Ballroom Tuesday 1 Schedule

Time Symposium Talk
8:00 AM H Adhesion site dynamics and cytoskeleton multi-compartmental response revealed by transient bead twisting: Magnetic Twisting Cytometry revisited
Daniel Isabey, Féréol Sophie, Pelle Gabriel, Fodil Redouane, Louis Bruno
8:20 AM H Molecular Mechanism of The Multi-Power Law Behavior of Living Cells
Farhan Chowdhury, Sungsoo Na, Olivier Collin, Bernard Tay, Fang Li, Tetsuya Tanaka, Deborah Leckband, Ning Wang
8:40 AM H Force Spectroscopy of Primary Alveolar Epithelial Type II Cells
Esra Roan, Catherine Cozad, Christopher M. Waters, Lynn Crosby
9:00 AM H Micromechanical Modeling of Cell Cytoskeleton
H. Jerry Qi, Sitikantha Roy
9:20 AM H A Coarse Grained Model for Biomembranes
George Lykotrafitis, Ju Li, Sulin Zhang, Subra Suresh