Mechanobiology of Cell-Extracellular Matrix Interactions

This symposium focuses on characterization and modeling of interactions between cells and their local extracellular environment, and how these interactions may mediate cell behavior. Work describing modeling and characterization of subcellular mechanisms as well as the behavior of individual or populations of cells, in particular interdisciplinary studies at the intersection of engineering, science and medicine, are welcome. Sample topics include:
- Adhesive interactions between cells and the extracellular matrix
- Stem cell niche mechanobiology
- Integrin-ligand interactions
- Extracellular influences on cell motility, proliferation, and contraction
- Computational modeling of cell behavior and cell-matrix interactions


  • Amy Wagoner Johnson
    Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering, UIUC
  • Brendan Harley
    Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, UIUC
  • Ning Wang
    Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering, UIUC
  • Taher Saif
    Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering, UIUC


Monday 1

Room Time Talk
Chancellor Ballroom 8:00 AM Probing cellular responses to substrate rigidity and geometry
Yu-Li Wang
Chancellor Ballroom 8:40 AM Quantifying the Effects of Preload and Afterload on Cardiomyocytes Using Forcepost Detector Arrays
James Norman, Chelsey Simmons, Niveditha Arumugam, Subhanu Samarajiva, Rebecca Taylor, Giovanni Fajardo, Daniel Bernstein, Beth Pruitt
Chancellor Ballroom 9:00 AM Quantifying the contractile behavior of individual fibroblasts within 3D collagen scaffolds
Brendan Harley, Lorna Gibson
Chancellor Ballroom 9:20 AM Matrix Mechanics and Cell Traction Regulate Integrin-Adhesion Ligand Bond Formation by Mesenchymal Stem Cells in 3D Micro-environments
Nathaniel Huebsch, Praveen Arany, Angelo Mao, David J. Mooney

Monday 2

Room Time Talk
Chancellor Ballroom 11:00 AM Effect of matrix structure and stiffness on sub-cellular visco-elastic properties of tumor cells in 2D and 3D matrices
Muhammad Zaman, Erin Baker
Chancellor Ballroom 11:20 AM Synthetic Stem Cell Niche for In Vitro Spermatogonial Stem Cell Culture
Hyunjoon Kong, Cathy Chu, John Schmidt, Kay Carnes, Zhen Zhang, Marie-Claude Hofmann
Chancellor Ballroom 11:40 AM Effects of EGF-induced matrix proteolysis on tumor cell migration in 3D environments arise from increase in cell speed and matrix-dependent increase in directional persistence.
Hyung-Do Kim, Tiffany W. Guo, Angela P. Wu, Frank B. Gertler, Douglas A. Lauffenburger
Chancellor Ballroom 12:00 PM Bioactive Microgels for Large-Scale Eukaryotic Cell Culture
Hyunjoon Kong, John Schmidt
Chancellor Ballroom 12:20 PM Mechano-chemical Coupling in the Adhesion of Thin Structures to Surfaces with Topography
Richard Springman, John L. Bassani

Monday 3

Room Time Talk
Chancellor Ballroom 2:00 PM The Fly Eye: A Biomechanics Model for Understanding Tissue Morphology
Sascha Hilgenfeldt, Ian Gemp, Richard Carthew
Chancellor Ballroom 2:20 PM Substrate mechanics and chemistry modulate the balance between endothelial cell-cell and cell-matrix adhesion
Cynthia Reinhart-King
Chancellor Ballroom 2:40 PM Substrate elasticity influences bone-like matrix deposition in low-density mesenchymal stem cell cultures but not in confluent cultures
Amy Wagoner Johnson, Michael Poellmann
Chancellor Ballroom 3:00 PM Model of Force Generation in a Self-Assembling Toroidal Cluster of Cells
Asha Nurse, L. B. Freund
Chancellor Ballroom 3:20 PM Composite Diaphragm Inflation: Probing the Mechanobiological Functions of Desmosomes and Intermediate Filament Networks within a Living Normal Human Epidermal Keratinocyte Sheet
John Selby, Mark A. Shannon

Monday 4

Room Time Talk
Chancellor Ballroom 4:00 PM The thermodynamics and kinetics of focal adhesion dynamics
Krishna Garikipati, Joseph E. Olberding, Michael D. Thouless, Ellen M. Arruda
Chancellor Ballroom 4:20 PM Measuring the surface adhesion of cancer cells: A novel way to characterize and understand cancer metastasis
Xin Tang, Tony Cappa, Theresa B. Kuhlenschmidt, Mark S. Kuhlenschmidt, Taher A. Saif
Chancellor Ballroom 4:40 PM Nanomechanics of Cell Adhesion: from single molecules to tissues
Deborah Leckband, Yuan-Hung Chien, Ning Jiang, Fang Zhang, Cheng Zhu
Chancellor Ballroom 5:00 PM A Second Order Mean Field Theory on the Stochastic-Elasticity Model of Focal Adhesion via Molecular Bond Clusters
Huajian Gao, Jizeng Wang, Jin Qian

Tuesday 1

Room Time Talk
Chancellor Ballroom 8:00 AM Adhesion site dynamics and cytoskeleton multi-compartmental response revealed by transient bead twisting: Magnetic Twisting Cytometry revisited
Daniel Isabey, Féréol Sophie, Pelle Gabriel, Fodil Redouane, Louis Bruno
Chancellor Ballroom 8:20 AM Molecular Mechanism of The Multi-Power Law Behavior of Living Cells
Farhan Chowdhury, Sungsoo Na, Olivier Collin, Bernard Tay, Fang Li, Tetsuya Tanaka, Deborah Leckband, Ning Wang
Chancellor Ballroom 8:40 AM Force Spectroscopy of Primary Alveolar Epithelial Type II Cells
Esra Roan, Catherine Cozad, Christopher M. Waters, Lynn Crosby
Chancellor Ballroom 9:00 AM Micromechanical Modeling of Cell Cytoskeleton
H. Jerry Qi, Sitikantha Roy
Chancellor Ballroom 9:20 AM A Coarse Grained Model for Biomembranes
George Lykotrafitis, Ju Li, Sulin Zhang, Subra Suresh

Tuesday 2

Room Time Talk
Chancellor Ballroom 11:00 AM Forced dissociation of Neural Cell Adhesion Molecules
Deborah Leckband, Venkat Maruthamuthu, Klaus Schulten
Chancellor Ballroom 11:20 AM Multimodal Perturbation of Intracellular Calcium using Dorsal Cell Adhesion
Warren Ruder, James Antaki, Philip Leduc
Chancellor Ballroom 11:40 AM TRPV4 channels mediate mechanical control of integrin activation and angiogenesis
Charles Thodeti, Donald Ingber
Chancellor Ballroom 12:00 PM Integrin-Cadherin Cross-Talk Regulates Cell Motility And Invasiveness
Deborah Leckband, Jonathan Silvestre, Pja Kenis
Chancellor Ballroom 12:20 PM Stress-Induced Direct Src Activation is Dependent on Microtubule Deformation
Sungsoo Na, Olivier Collin, Farhan Chowdhury, Bernard Tay, Mingxing Ouyang, Yingxiao Wang, Ning Wang